Well seen German JW. Its a great fake that the German Branch is going to become a public corporation. Remeber gthey got this suggestion in the early 60ies when they drove a court case regarding taxes as they ve sold cakes and food at assemblies. The judges recommended to apply for a public corporation, but they rejected.
In this time it was when I came into contact with JWs and I remember a servant, later elder who told me, that JWs never would become liek a church , to be extortable by politicans.
I guess that later in the 80ies they recognized the advantages they would have, being a corporation: having public support, share on taxes and being enabled to work free of taxes.
I bid that when they have the status of a corporation that you will pay again for the literature, that you will get food at the assemblies and that they will get the money which is available.
There is no asking about these facts - as since the early 90ies they changed their policy - e.g. school - the children of jws might do elections or be elected.
It is a strange thing that teachings of the 70ies are now contercaried and even the blood philosophy got as change so that some fractions maight be taken.
all is to find favour in the eyes of the world.
I doubt that those in the ivory towers still have faith in Jehovah. They only see the big thing and become slayers of their brothers.
In fact, everybody who does niot agree with their worldy policy has no chance to be an accepted link of the congrgation.you are nothing, the slave is all.
Its a great thing that now by internet on global level there is an chance of information exchange. And internet teaches us a lot of things.
for example: I remember about 35 years ago the mentioning of an elderly publisher who already was persecuted by the nazis. He spoke about the declaration of 1933 Berlin - and got a "basket" from the P.O. who was present.
Last yeara I found out what it was with the declaration - meanwhile I have the whole file, inclusive the answer from the branch office.
My oppinion: it cannot be what is not allowed to be.
Something strange like the UN-thing.
Wash me but dont make me wet or like the Germans say. literally.
Holy Saint Florian - beware my house lit others on.
I am quite interested how the thread will be declared by those who have the privilegde of total rioghteous ness.
You know: § 1 They are always right; § 2 are they not right automatically § 1 is valid.
I am convinced that many of them laboring in the bethel industries are fed up of their situation as they also recognize what is wrong in Danmark. But they have nearly no chance to leave and apply for a job in the industry as jobs are rare and experience under competition is not given at the bethel.
We all recognize the decline of motivation within the congregations.
And as the fish stinks first at its head - all reasons of the present situation are based upstream.
The elders make 6 weeks holiday a year and demand from file and ranks to do more for the truth, being no example for motivation.
We are watching how a faith is substituted by blind faith and ignorance. The Talmud of the pay attention book is more valid than practical aid for the flock.
The lord Jesus would be not so far from his comments like he gave to the pharisees at his time, when he niótified that they have taken place on the chair of moses.....